Sunday, February 23, 2014


Thanks to our good friend, Jeff, I was able to log into my blog.  I still can't download any pictures as Internet Explorer isn't available on the ship and google doesn't allow pictures through aol.  I'll have to figure out something else in order to complete the blog.

Here's a summary of the trip since leaving Chicago.  O'Hare was a breeze, we were really surprised. Getting on the ship wasn't as pleasant.  It took us 2 hours, standing in a line before, we got processed. We were at sea for two days before docking at 4 different islands in the Caribbean, St. Thomas, Antigua, Barbados and Trinidad.  We never got off the ship in Trinidad (had our fill of the islands).  I'll talk more about the various islands later.  Gary has been sick the whole time, but seems a bit better today.

This is our second day at sea en route to Brazil.  We enjoy the sea days more that the ports we visit. Gary held a get-together of pilots and sailors, his two passions.  It was big success as about 15-20 people showed up.  This afternoon they had a meeting of those passengers who were on previous World Cruises, surprisingly there were more than 50 people.  It was great fun to reminisce.

About half of the people on board are from Argentina and will be getting off there.  That is the first segment of this trip.

I hope to be able to continue and I'll just have to enter my pictures when I figure out how to get around the problems.

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