Wednesday, February 26, 2014


After 4 days at sea we docked in Recife, Brazil.  Their rich soil and an tropical climate tempered by ocean breezes favored the cultivation of sugar cane. Huge plantations called fazendas, worked by African slaves, grew in the region. However competition from the Antilles and French & English West Indies threw the thriving industry into decline.

We hired a taxi and just took a local tour.  there isn't much to see here and we were only gone for 1 hour.  Carnival begins in 2 days and the people are decorating the streets.

The Captain just made an announcement that several cases of the Norovirus have been reported to the doctor.  both Gary & I have really bad colds, but fortunately, not the virus.  Our symptoms are very different.  Those that have the virus are confined to their cabin for a week or two (what a shame).  In the buffet, we are no longer able to take the food ourselves, the staff serves everything.  Unable to even take a packet of Splenda or use a salt shaker.  Same in the dining room.

Also, here is a picture of another part of the ship.


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