Monday, February 24, 2014


Antigua was formed by volcanoes and it's first settlement dates back to 2400 B.C.  It is located in the center of the Leeward islands in the Eastern Caribbean.  It's the largest of all the English-speaking Leeward Islands. Population is 85,000.  It has 365 beaches and a deep maritime history.  Christopher Columbus landed here in 1493 and named the island after a church in Seville.  In 1784 Admiral Horatio Nelson sailed into Antigua. the port would later develop into Great Britain's most important military bases in the Caribbean.  Located in English Harbour, the 19th Century dockyard that once served as the headquarters of the British Naval Fleet of the Leeward Islands in now a museum and National Park.

Gary and I hired a car to take us to the other side of the island to visit the Nelson museum.  It wasn't much of a museum, but it was situated along side a magnificent harbour.  Our driver gave us a tour of the island as we drove and we had a lovely day. Timothy Dalton (James bond), Eric Clapton,, Giorgio Armani,, Ken Follett and Richard Branson all own homes on the island.

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